A. Lord North Brooke
B. Lord Sinha
C. Charles Bradlaugh
D. None of these
Constitutional Development And National Movement in Subcontinent
Constitutional Development And National Movement in Subcontinent
A. Indian National Congress had been founded
B. Poverty of the people was on the increase
C. Enlightened educated class was demanding more rights
D. Government was favourably inclined to accept Congress demands
A. It made a beginning in the representative institution
B. It made beginning in legislative devolution
C. Government got opportunity to defend its policies
D. Non-official members were added to the Governor-General’s Council
E. It made legislatures really a representative body
A. Number of ordinary executive councillor was raised to five
B. Secretary of State was empowered to appoint C-in-C as extraordinary member of his council
C. Assent of Governor-General was necessary for all bills
D. Governor-General could not revoke a measure passed by Governor’s Council
E. Legislative powers of Bombay Presidency were restored
A. The Act of 1858 had been passed in haste
B. Centralised system of legislation was inadequate
C. Provincial Governments were not tolerating Bengal domination
D. There was demand in India that Indians should be associated with administration
E. Provinces wanted complete customary from Bengal Council
A. 1813
B. 1833
C. 1853
D. 1858
E. 1861
A. Board of Directors was abolished
B. Board of Control was abolished
C. A Council for secreatary of state was created
D. Governor General was to be appointed by the Crown
E. A separate province of U.P. Was created
A. It renewed the Charter of the Company for 20 years
B. Directors were empowered to create a new province
C. Law member was made a regular member
D. Executive and legislative functions of Governor-General’s Councils were separated
A. 1793
B. 1813
C. 1833
D. 1853
E. 1861
A. 1793
B. 1813
C. 1833
D. 1853
E. 1861