A. Dilates
B. Contracts
C. Constant
D. Uniform
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
Physics Mcqs for Test Preparation from Basic to Advance. Physics Mcqs are from the different sections of Physics. Here you will find Mcqs of Physics subject from Basic to Advance. Which will help you to get higher marks in Physics subject. These Mcqs are useful for students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test,BPSC Test, PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS.
A. Dilates
B. Contracts
C. Constant
D. Uniform
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. 2.6×10⁴ m/s
B. 2.6×10⁶ m/s
C. 2.6×10² m/s
D. 2.6×10 m/s
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. E=mc²
B. E=hf
C. E=m²c
D. E=mv²
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Exude
B. Reflect
C. Absorb
D. None of these
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Inertia frames of reference
B. Navstar
C. Proton
D. None of these
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. One
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Affect in charging a capacitor
B. Affect in charging a battery
C. Affect while passing through an inductance
D. Heating effect through a resistance
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Divider
B. Shunt
C. Multiplier
D. None of these
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. One gauss
B. 3×10¹⁰ gauss
C. 10⁴ gauss
D. 1/3×10^-8 gauss
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
A. Battery
B. Capacitor
C. Dynamo
D. Transformer
Submitted by: Rizwan Ayub Saadi
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