A. Unaffected odontoblasts from the pulp
B. Undifferentiated cells
C. Histocytes
D. Osteoblasts
A. Nerve tissue
B. Vascular tissue
C. Granulation tissue
D. Loose connective tissue
A. Dental papilla
B. Dental sac
C. Odontoblasts
D. Stellate reticulum
A. Cell degenerated zone
B. Cell rich zone
C. Cell regenerated zone
D. cell free zone
A. Nutritive
B. Production of dentin
C. Production of enamel
D. Vascular supply to the teeth
A. Formation of dentin
B. Nerve supply to dentin
C. Sends impulses to CNS
D. Nerve supply to enamel through fibres
A. Collagen fibres
B. Haversian fibres
C. Non-myelinated nerve fibres
D. Reticulum