A. Bone
B. Periosteum
C. Periodontal ligament
D. All of the above
Periodontal Ligament
Periodontal Ligament
A. Gingival
B. Oblique
C. Horizontal
D. Transseptal
A. Cementicles
B. Osteoblasts
C. Cementoclasts
D. Osteoclasts
A. Alveolar bone proper
B. Bundle bone
C. Lamellar bone
D. Cortical bone
A. Chondroblasts
B. Odontoblasts
C. Osteoblasts
D. Fibroblasts
A. Lamina dura
B. Bundle bone
C. Lamina propria
D. Lamina densa
A. Cementum
C. Pulp
D. Dentin
A. Greatest in the middle-third of a single rotted tooth
B. Greatest in the middle-third of a multirooted tooth
C. A net like plexus that runs closer to the cementum than to the bone
D. A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum
A. Fibroblasts
B. Multi totipotent cells
C. Cementoblasts
D. Cell rests of malassez
A. Gingiva
B. Alveolar bone
C. Periodontal ligament
D. Cementum