A. It contains more No. of sweat glands
B. It contains more do. of sebaceous glands
C. It contains less number of sebaceous glands
D. It contains less number of sweat glands
Oral Histology
Oral Histology Mcqs for preparation. These Mcqs are helpful for Medical students. Oral Histology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations for all Experienced, Freshers and Students.
A. Due to alternate elevations and depressions in epithelium
B. Functional adaptation to mechanical impact
C. Disappeared in progressing gingivitis due to edema and this change is reversible
D. All of the above
A. Langhan’s cell
C. Langerhans cell
D. Grey cell
A. Fungiform
B. Filiform
C. Circumvallate
D. Foliate
A. Keratinised
B. Non keratinized
C. Parakeratinised
D. Orthokeratinized
A. Has no rete pegs
B. Has prominent rete pegs
C. Is keratinized
D. Is para-keratinized
A. Alveolar mucosa
B. Floor of the mouth
C. Attached gingiva
D. Buccal mucosa
A. Lamina dura
B. Dental cuticle
C. Lamina propria
D. Fibroblasts
A. Pink
B. Red
C. Coral pink
D. None of the above
A. Keratinized
B. Non keratinized
C. Ortho, para and non keratinized
D. Only para keratinized