A. Gingiva and anterior part of hard palate
B. Tongue and soft palate
C. Retromolar area and hard palate
D. Lip and posterior third of the hard palate
Oral Mucous Membrane
Oral Mucous Membrane
A. Thin lamina and non keratinized mucosa of cheek
B. Keratinized mucosa of cheek
C. Rete pegs
D. Thick lamina propria on skin of cheek
A. Buccal gingiva
B. Lingual gingiva
C. Oral surface of lip
D. Sublingual mucosa (floor of mouth)
A. 30% Sebaceous glands
B. 75% sebaceous glands
C. very small number of sebaceous glands, if any
D. Absolutely no sebaceous glands
A. Floor of the mouth and soft palate
B. Alveolar mucosa and vestibular fornix
C. Lip and cheek
D. Gingiva and hard palate
A. Epidermis
B. Papillary layer of dermis
C. Reticular of dermis
D. Hypodermis
A. Attached gingiva
B. Free gingiva
C. Interdental papilla
D. Gingival sulcus
A. Hyper orthokeratosis
B. Hyper parakeratosis
C. Non keratinized epithelium
D. Sulcular epithelium
A. Internal basal lamina
B. Junctional epithelium
C. Reduced enamel epithelium
D. Epithelial attachment
A. Keratinizing cells
B. Melanocytes
C. Non-Keratinizing cells
D. Clear cells