A. Sclerotic dentin
B. Secondary dentin
C. Reparative dentin
D. All of the above
A. Sclerotic dentin
B. Primary dentin
C. Secondary dentin
D. Interglobular dentin
A. Incremental lines of retzius
B. Incremental lines of vonebner
C. Contour lines of owen
D. None of the above
A. Ca3 (Po4)2 CaCo3
B. 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2
C. CaPo4 Ca(OH)2
D. None of the above
A. Bone
B. Acellular cementum
C. Enamel
D. None of the above
A. 1/2 that of enamel
B. 1/7 that of enamel
C. 1/4 that of enamel
D. 1/5 that of enamel
A. Pulpal end
B. Cusp tip
C. Tooth bud stage
D. Cervical area
A. Mantle dentin
B. Circumpulpal dentin
C. Predentin
D. Secondary dentin
A. They elicit pain to hot and cold
B. They elicit pain to touch and pressure
C. They elicit pain to chemicals
D. Elicit only pain as a response
A. Cavity preparation
B. Dehydration
C. Water irrigation
D. None of the above