A. Mandible bone
B. Maxilla bone
C. Sphenoid bone
D. Temporal bone
A. Greater palatine canal
B. Foramen Rotundum
C. Pterygoid canal
D. Palatovaginal canal
A. 270
B. 250
C. 230
D. 206
A. Posterior nasal spine
B. Mylohyoid line
C. Pterygoid Hamulus
D. Greater palatine foramen
A. Quadrangular
B. Oval
C. Oblong
D. Circular
A. Medial wall
B. Lateral wall
C. Floor of the orbit
D. Roof of the orbit
A. Mandible
B. Nasal bone
C. Vomer
D. Occipital
A. Synovial
B. Closely related to the first cervical nerves
C. All ow rotation of the head
D. Supported by the alar ligaments
A. Fibrous joint
B. Synovial joint
C. Fmosis
D. Synarthrosis
A. Genioglossus
B. Anterior & Posterior bellies of digastric
C. Mylohyoid
D. Superior constrictor of pharynx