A. Hard palate is formed by maxilla, palatine and vomer bone.
B. Levator palatine forms a delicated tendon which winds round the pterygoid hamulus and flattens out to form the palatine aponeurosis
C. All the constrictors of pharynx are inserted into median raphae on the posterior wall of the pharynx.
D. The posterior wall of pharynx, the upper part of thyropharyngeus is a multiple sheet of muscle and is overlapped by the upper and middle constrictors.
Muscles of Head and Neck
Muscles of Head and Neck
A. Cricopharyngeus
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Stylopharyngeus
D. Salpingopharyngeus
A. Dilator papillae
B. Sphincter papillae
C. Levator palpebrae superioris
D. Cilliary muscle
A. Swallowing and speech
B. Swallowing and smiling
C. Swallowing and chewing
D. Swallowing and frowning
A. Superior constrictor
B. Inferior constrictor
C. Thyrohyoid
D. Sternothyroid
A. Purely sensory
B. Purely motor
C. Mixed
D. Spinal nerve
A. Muscle fibres in the liqament of Treitz
B. Omohyoid
C. Occipitofrontalis
D. Sternocleidomastoid
A. Palatoglossus
B. Tensor veli palatini
C. Levator veli palatini
D. Palatopharyngeus
A. Lateral temporomandibular ligament
B. Sphenomandibular ligament
C. Stylomandibular liqament
D. Alar liqament
A. Mental spines
B. Superior genial tubercle
C. The inferior genial tubercle
D. Just above the lower border of mandible