A. Nasal Bone
B. Ethmoid
C. Vomer
D. Maxilla
Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx
Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx
A. Right bronchus is more vertical and broader than the left
B. Right bronchus is more vertical and has a narrow caliber than the left
C. Left bronchus is more vertical and broader than right
D. Left bronchus is more vertical and narrower than right
A. Hyoid bone
B. Thyroid cartilage
C. Transverse process of C5
D. Transverse process of C6
A. Sternal angle
B. 5th inter costal space
C. 3rd thoracic vertebrae
D. thoracic vertebrae
A. Tympanic branch of IX nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Mandibular nerve
A. C2 – C7
B. C1- C4
C. C5 – C6
D. C3 C6
A. External laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
B. Internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
C. External laryngeal
D. Superior laryngeal
A. Sup. Belly of omohyoid
B. Post. Belly of digastric
C. Sternohyoid
D. Sternocleidomastoid
A. Lies on the superior constrictor
B. Lymph form it drains into jugulo digastric group of deep the cervical nodes
C. Has sensory innervation from vagus
D. Is a derivative of the second pharyngeal pouch
A. Lies on inferior constrictor
B. Developed from 4th branchial cleft
C. Drained by jugulo digastric lymph nodes
D. Crypts lined by stratified columnar epithelium