A. volume of the gas is zero
B. pressure of the gas is zero
C. kinetic energy of the molecules is zero
D. specific heat of gas is zero
E. mass is zero
A. – 273 °K
B. vacuum
C. zero pressure
D. centre of earth
E. in space
A. E/3
B. E/2
C. 3E/4
D. 2E/3
E. 5E/4
A. newton
B. pascal
C. erg
D. watt
E. joule
A. exactly as gas
B. as steam
C. as ordinary vapour
D. approximately as a gas
E. as average of gas and vapour
A. depends on the mass of the system, like volume
B. does not depend on the mass of the system, like temperature, pressure, etc
C. is not dependent on the path followed but on the state
D. is dependent on the path followed and not on the state
E. remains constant
A. C/Cv
B. Cv/Cp
C. Cp – Cv
D. Cp + Cv
E. Cp x Cv
A. 0.17
B. 0.24
C. 0.1
D. 1.41
E. 2.71
A. Charles’ law
B. Joule’s law
C. Regnault’s law
D. Boyle’s law
E. there is no such law
A. Charles’ Law
B. Joule’s Law
C. Regnault’s Law
D. Boyle’s Law
E. there is no such law