A. Righ of the plaintiff to any thing
B. Right of the defendant to any thing
C. Both of above
D. Non of These
Specific Relief Act 1877
Specific Relief Act 1877
A. Cancel it in part and allow it to stand for the residue
B. Cancel it in whole
C. Can not cancel its any part
D. Non of These
A. Cancellation of instruments
B. Registration of instrument
C. Correctness of instruments
D. Non of These
A. B has a right to rescind the contract
B. B can not rescind the contract
C. A has right to rescind the contract
D. Non of These
A. Section 27
B. Section 31
C. Section 34
D. Non of These
A. Section 27, the Specific Relief Act,
B. Section 28, the Specific Relief Act,
C. Section 30, the Specific Relief Act,
D. Non of These
A. File a suit aginst A for specific performance of contract
B. Not make any litigation against B
C. Make criminal case against A
D. Non of These
A. Who may obtain decree under the Specific Relief Act
B. Who are bars to the relief under the Specific Relief Act
C. None of the above
D. Non of These
A. Statutory powers
B. Discretionary power
C. None of the above
D. Non of These
A. Sue B for the goods
B. Sue Z for the goods
C. Sue both B and Z for the goods
D. Non of These