Associated Concepts in Forestry

Associated Concepts in Forestry

A. The most valuable and the richest ecosystems on earth
B. They play a critical pat in the earth’s life support systems and house 50% and possibly as much as 90% of all the species on earth
C. They are a key storehouse of foods, oils and minerals and source of ingredients that make up a range of medical treatments
D. All of the above

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A. Many parts of the world, but primarily in tropical rain forests
B. They live in highly organized colonies to a strict caste system
C. The nests are built to provide central heating and air-conditioning
D. All of the above

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A. Transboundary pollution describes polluted air and water or any other contaminated waste that is generated in ove country and transmitted to other
B. The most pervasive pollutant is sulphur dioxide a by-product of the burning of fossil fuels in power stations
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

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A. The study of fossil plants and animals and of the rock formations where they are found
B. The information is used increasingly in environmental sciences to build up a picture of past environments
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

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A. A dense accumulation of only partially decomposed plant materials which has formed in wetlands over a period of thousand of years
B. It collects in still water which does not have enough oxygen to complete the total process of decay
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

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A. The protective layer of ozone in the upper stratosphere, found at a level between 15 and 150 km above
B. The Earth which prevents harmful ultraviolet B radiation which causes skin cancer and threatens plant life from reaching the ground
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

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