A. equilibrium supply
B. equilibrium savings
C. equilibrium demand
D. equilibrium interest rate
Financial Markets and Funds
Financial Markets and Funds
A. down and to the left
B. down and to the right
C. up and to the left
D. up and to the right
A. upside movement
B. downside movement
C. shift left
D. shift right
A. fall in globalization
B. rise in globalization
C. rise in demand
D. inflation
A. supply of loan-able funds
B. demand of loan-able funds
C. compounded funds
D. savings funds
A. up and to the left
B. up and to the right
C. down and to the left
D. down and to the right
A. (1+r) c – 1
B. (2+r) c – 2
C. (3+r) c – 3
D. (1+r) c – 5
A. support from World Bank
B. decreases in funds traded
C. increase in funds traded
D. rise of international funds
A. term structure of segmentation
B. term structure of interest rate
C. term structure of premium
D. term structure of inflation
A. compound interest
B. investment risk
C. interest rate
D. stated rate