A. the idea that community is essential to salvation
B. the concept of dualism of body and soul
C. the concept of a sensual God
D. the idea that God is separate from the human experience of love
Medieval Literature and Culture
Medieval Literature and Culture
A. monks
B. working class women
C. working class men
D. peasants
A. books that established standards of behavior for women
B. books that were primarily intended to teach men how to treat their wives
C. books that conformed with strict standards of behavior
D. books that recounted historical events in the medieval era
A. they were never chaste or pious
B. they always represented the evil side of love
C. they were sources of inspiration for heroic action
D. they were examples of mystical unions
A. courtly love
B. peasant life
C. praise of chastity
D. female literacy
A. the critical debate about the verification of events in the letters
B. the idea that Abelard wrote all of the letters
C. the issue of whether there is a “female voice” in the letters
D. All of the Above
A. Margery Kempe
B. Catherine of Siena
C. Thecla
D. Christine de Pizan
A. The Book of Margery Kempe
B. “The Wooing of Our Lord”
C. “An Orison to Almighty God”
D. The Romance of the Rose
A. a period in which philosophers attempted to reconcile philosophy with religion
B. a period of educational activity
C. a period associated with the Carolingian Renaissance
D. All of the Above
A. it is a union supported by the Church
B. it is a union between anchorites
C. it is a mystical union between two people
D. it is a spiritual union with God