A. it includes issues that pertain to the heart
B. it is part of the anchoress’ inner self
C. it is the most important part of Ancrene Wisse
D. All of the Above
Medieval Literature and Culture
Medieval Literature and Culture
A. Marie de France
B. Hildegard of Bingen
C. Christine de Pizan
D. The Wife of Bath
A. paradox
B. affective piety
C. imagery
D. pathos
A. it led to the rise of Germanic cultures
B. it created a conflict Christianity and paganism
C. it led to the end of Roman forms of governing
D. All of the Above
A. the public disinterest in popular tales about romance
B. the increased interest in stories written in medieval Latin
C. the decreased public interest in religious stories
D. the French lords’ lack of interest in tales of courtly love
A. a short lyrical poem
B. a story of a saint’s life
C. a type of book of hours
D. a devotional text used by anchoresses
A. “Revelations of Divine Love”
B. “The Book of Margery Kempe”
C. “An Orison to Almighty God”
D. “The Wooing of Our Lord
A. the triptych
B. the flail
C. the rudder
D. the letter press
A. it includes issues that pertain to the heart
B. it refers to anchoress’ everyday behavior
C. it is part of the anchoress’ inner self
D. it is the most important part of Ancrene Wisse
A. most medieval women had some property
B. married women could hold property once they had children
C. married women could hold property without their husband’s consent
D. widows could hold property