A. The examination of structures informing our conscious experience
B. The examination of desires informing our consciousness
C. The examination of our unconscious experience
D. The examination of intricate structures within our unconscious
Literary Theory and Criticism
Literary Theory and Criticism
A. F.L. Lucas
B. J K Atkins
C. Derrida
D. Hillis Miller
A. A theory that sees history as a form of writing and discourse
B. A theory that abandons the idea of history as an imitation of events
C. A theory that regards history as a series of narratives
D. All of the above answers are correct.
A. Women’s gender is artificial, while men’s gender is not.
B. While gender is not real, the stereotypes that accompany it are true.
C. Gender is largely a cultural construct.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
A. Preface to the Poems
B. On translating Homer
C. “Scholar Gypsy”
D. Culture and Anarchy
A. Viktor Shklovsky
B. Cleanth Brooks
C. Judith Butler
D. Mikhail Bakhtin
A. T.S. Eliot
B. Matthew Arnold
C. Elizabeth Browning
D. Virginia Woolf
A. No fixed, stable meaning is possible.
B. Language must be studied in conjunction with history in order to create meaning.
C. Literature is timeless, and thus meaning does not change.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
A. 16
B. 17
C. 14
D. 15
A. To miss the mark
B. Sin
C. Tragic flaw
D. Flaws