A. Syllabic consonants
B. Sibilants
C. Suffixes
D. None of the above
Language and Linguistics
Language and Linguistics
A. Philology
B. Haplology
C. Phonology
D. Semiology
A. To study the nature of language
B. To establish a theory of language
C. To propound stories of the origin of language
D. To describe a language and all languages
A. Systematic gathering and analysis of data
B. Determination of causal relationship between facts
C. Chronological presentation of data
D. Verification, validation and generalization.
A. Socio__linguistics
B. Psycho__linguistics
C. Neuron__linguistics
D. Physio –linguistics
A. Multilingual
B. Poly__lingual
C. Bilingual
D. Poly__langual
A. Dialect
B. Idiolect
C. Register
D. Slang
A. Monologue
B. Monolingual
C. Monologal
D. None of the above
A. Dialect
B. Idiolects
C. Register
D. Slang
A. Language
B. Parole
C. Competence
D. Both langue and Competence