A. Biographical information about the author must be considered when evaluating literature.
B. A text and its author text are unrelated.
C. It is possible to distill meaning from a work based on the author’s politics.
D. Authorial intent must be considered when evaluating literature.
Introduction to Literary Theory
Introduction to Literary Theory
A. The ability of a text to contain truth
B. The “undecidability” and essentially unstable nature of a text
C. The idea that a text has a specific meaning that can be understood through a process of deconstruction
D. Jacques Derrida’s style of writing
A. Literary theory does not offer a holistic interpretation of a text.
B. Literary theory depends on specialized knowledge that is outside the realm of literary studies.
C. Literary theory is sometimes very abstract and difficult to read.
D. All of the above.
A. Viktor Shklovsky
B. Cleanth Brooks
C. Terry Eagleton
D. Judith Butler
A. History comprises the essential framework for the performance of literary analysis
B. Politics and the economy are the most important factors in literary analysis
C. Biography is essential to literary analysis
D. Psychoanalysis is critical to literary analysis
A. Formalism
B. Structuralism
C. Poststructuralism
D. Marxism
A. It has little relationship to the colonization of Asian countries by the West.
B. It illustrates the fundamental political equality of all nations.
C. It was produced by Western scholarship.
D. Its literature is less proud that that of the West.
A. The effect of literature in enlightening the human mind
B. The effect of modern society on human suffering
C. The effect of the economy on women’s concerns
D. The effect of the unconscious mind on the conscious self
A. A figure of judgment
B. Religious belief
C. A witness
D. Psychological treatment
A. A concept associated with Russian formalism
B. An idea explored by Viktor Shklovsky
C. A term that describes the capacity of art to counter the effects of habit
D. All of the above.