A. Lot
B. Belial
C. Satan
D. Moses
Paradise Lost- John Milton
Paradise Lost- John Milton
A. Adam and Eve
B. Noah and the elephant
C. Rebel angels
D. Benjamin and Joseph
A. Satan’s associates
B. Satan
C. Adam
D. Eve
A. Paradise Found
B. Paradise Lost Twice
C. Paradise Regained
D. Paradise Lost Again
A. Adam
B. Eve
C. Satan
D. Snake
A. Book VII
B. Book III
C. Book VIII
D. Book V
A. The forbidden fruit
B. The capital of Heaven
C. A beautiful garden
D. The capital of Hell
A. Nine
B. Twelve
C. Eighteen
D. Fourteen
A. Go in search of her mate
B. Talk to the animals
C. Look at her reflection in a stream
D. Eat of the Tree of Knowledge
A. The Son
B. Adam and Eve
C. Computers
D. He creates everything