A. Wein bridge
B. Modified De Santy’s bridge
C. Schering bridge
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Measurement and Instrumentation
Measurement and Instrumentation
A. known inductance and resistance
B. known capacitance and resistance
C. known resistance
D. known inductance
A. improve its ventilation
B. eliminate creeping at no load
C. increase its deflecting torque
D. increase its braking torque
A. Weston frequency meter
B. reed vibrator frequency meter
C. heterodoxy frequency meter
D. electrical resonance frequency meter
A. electrostatic instrument
B. thermocouple instrument
C. moving iron instrument
D. electrodynamic instrument
A. induction ammeter
B. permanent magnet type ammeter
C. electrostatic ammeter
D. moving iron repulsion type voltmeter
A. potential transformers
B. current transformers
C. both A. and B.
D. power transformers
A. get first deflection large
B. make the system oscillatory
C. make the system critically damped
D. get minimum overshoot
A. platinum
B. maganin
C. silver
D. nichrome
A. accuracy and reproducibility
B. accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility
C. drift and dead zone
D. static error