A. to avoid sudden loading of the primemover
B. to avoid mechanicaljerk to the shaft
C. to avoid burning of switch contacts
D. all above
D.C. Generators
D.C. Generators
A. crossmagnetising
B. demagnetising
C. magnetising
D. none of above
A. demagnetisation only
B. cross magnetisation as well as mag¬netisation
C. crossmagnetisation as well as demagnetising
D. cross magnetisation only
A. lie under south pole
B. lie under north pole
C. lie under interpolar region
D. are farthest from the poles
A. graphite
B. paper
C. mica
D. insulating varnish
A. mica
B. copper
C. cast iron
D. carbon
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 32
A. Blv
B. Blv2
C. Bl2v
D. Bl2v2
A. imperfect brush contact
B. field resistance less than the critical resistance
C. no residual magnetism in the generator
D. faulty shunt connections tending to reduce the residual magnetism
A. carbon
B. soft copper
C. hard copper
D. all of above