A. one half
B. double
C. four times
D. none of the above
A. 11 kV
B. 33 kV
C. 66 kV
D. 132 kV
A. between 2 and 3
B. between 5 and 6
C. between 8 and 10
D. between 12 and 14
A. steel tape
B. galvanised steel wire
C. any of the above
D. none of the above
A. unsheathed cables
B. armoured
C. PVC sheathed cables
D. all of the above
A. polyvinyl chloride
B. post varnish conductor
C. pressed and varnished cloth
D. positive voltage conductor
E. none of the above
A. composite
B. porous
C. homogeneous
D. hygroscopic
A. 5 ohms
B. 20 ohms
C. 50 ohms
D. 100 ohms
A. armour
B. bedding
C. conductor surface
D. lead sheath
A. the resistance of the conductor
B. the inductance of conductors
C. the capacitances of insulated conductors
D. all above parameters