A. the U.S Department of labor
B. the U.S Department of Agriculture
C. the U.S Department of commerce
D. the council of Economic Advisers to the President
The Balance of Payments
The Balance of Payments
A. merchandise trade flows
B. services flows
C. current account flows
D. capital flows
A. capital outflows
B. merchandise exports
C. private gifts to foreigners
D. foreign aid granted to other nations
A. balance of international indebtedness
B. balance of financial transactions
C. balance of payments
D. income statements
A. merchandise imports equal merchandise exports
B. capital imports equal capital exports
C. services exports equal services imports
D. the total surplus or deficit equals zero
A. involves receipts from foreigners
B. involves payments to foreigners
C. increases the domestic money supply
D. decreases the demand for foreign exchange
A. exporter
B. importer
C. debtor
D. creditor
A. statistical discrepancy
B. balance of payments
C. balance of trade
D. trade deficit
A. The overall sum of all the entries in the balance of payments must be positive
B. A country runs a current account surplus if it sells more of its assets abroad than it buys abroad
C. A country runs a capital account deficit if it imports more than it exports
D. If the current account is in surplus the capital account must be in deficit
A. current account the capital account
B. current account the trade account
C. trade account the capital account
D. current account the reserve account