A. Deficit Budget
B. Reduction in taxation
C. Increase in public expenditure
D. Reverse of inflation
Basic of Economics
Basic of Economics
A. Cost ratios are different
B. Tariff rates are different
C. Price ratios are different
D. A and C of above
A. Promissory note
B. Currency note
C. Exchange rate
D. Bank cheque
A. Feudal System
B. Capitalist System
C. Fascist System
D. Communist System
A. Gold currency
B. Hard currency
C. Silver currency
D. Soft currency
A. Brl
B. Bel
C. Bbl
D. Obl
A. Policy about markets
B. Policy about money supply
C. Policy about imports and exports
D. Policy of controlling of prices of goods
A. Frankfurt
B. Bonn
C. Berlin
D. Stuttgart
A. Balance of trade
B. Capital receipts and payments
C. Savings and investment account
D. A and B of above
A. Accepting public deposits
B. Granting loan and advances
C. Undertaking agency functions
D. Banker to the government