A. Rankine formula
B. Marcus formula
C. Rankine Grashoff formula
D. Grashoff formula
RCC Structures Design
RCC Structures Design
B. WL/2P
C. WL/3P
D. WL/4P
A. 1/15th of span
B. 1/20th of span
C. 1/25th of span
D. 1/30th of span
A. h /4
B. h/3
C. h/2
D. 2h/3
A. Kept constant throughout the length
B. Decreased towards the centre of the beam
C. Increased at the ends
D. Increased at the centre of the beam
A. 150 KN/mm2
B. 200 KN/mm2
C. 250 KN/mm2
D. 275 KN/mm2
A. Is increased by PZ/e
B. Is increased by Pe/Z
C. Is decreased by Pe/Z
D. Remains unchanged
A. y = L – (l – ) )
B. y = L/2 + (l –
C. y = L/2 – (l + )
D. y = L/2 – (l – )
A. D = W (a – b)/4a²bq
B. D = W (a² – b²)/4a²bq
C. D = W (a² – b²)/8a²bq
D. D = W (a² – b²)/4abq
A. 200 cm
B. 205 cm
C. 210 cm
D. 230 cm