A. is taken in lesser quantity in grams as compared to other reactants
B. is taken in lesser quantity in volume as compared to other reactants
C. gives the maximum amount of the product which is required
D. gives the minimum amount of the product under consideration
Chemistry Mcqs
Chemistry Mcqs for Test Preparation from Basic to Advance. Chemistry Mcqs are from the different sections of Chemistry Subject. Here you will find Mcqs of Chemistry from Basic to Advance. Which will help you to get higher marks in Chemistry portion of test. These Mcqs are useful for students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test,BPSC Test, PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS.
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A. Nickel
B. Calcium
C. Cadmium
D. Tin
A. macromolecule
B. macromolecule
C. molecularity
D. atomicity
A. 1.008
B. 0.55
C. 0.184
D. 1.637
A. Ammonia
B. Dissolved oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. All
A. Urea
B. Calcium superphosphate
C. Diammonium phosphate
D. Potassium nitrate
A. Propanoic acid
B. Acetic acid
C. Phthalic acid
D. Butanoic acid
A. PdCl2
B. Cu2Cl2
C. CuCl2
D. PbCl2
A. n. butane
B. Ethanol
C. Ethane
D. Diethy1 ether
A. Carboxylic acid
B. Ethanoic acid
C. Propanoic acid
D. Butanoic acid