A. Cellular
B. Prokaryotes
C. Non-cellular
D. Eukaryotes
Submitted by: Jawad Meer
Biology Mcqs are from the different sections of Biology. which will help the students to get higher marks in biology subject. students can prepare for Medical Entry Test from our topic wise Multiple Choice question of Biology. These Mcqs will Help you to get higher marks especially in Biology Mcqs portion of test.
A. Cellular
B. Prokaryotes
C. Non-cellular
D. Eukaryotes
Submitted by: Jawad Meer
A. Plasmid
B. Capsule
C. Plastid
D. Capsid
Submitted by: Jawad Meer
B. Protein
D. None of these
Submitted by: Jawad Meer
A. Coetaneous
B. Lung
C. Pulmo-cuntaneous
D. Through gills
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. Succulent plants
B. Angiosperms Plants
C. Gymnosperms Plants
D. Xerophytes plants in it., me
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. pulmonary trunk
B. brain
C. aorta
D. body
A. 3500000
B. 35000
C. 2500000
D. 25000000
A. pleura
B. pericardium
C. peritoneum
D. epithelium
A. Static
B. Dynamic
C. May be static or dynamic
D. None of these
A. Molecule
B. Subatomic particles
C. Atoms
D. Organelles
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