A. Rain water
B. Surface run-off
C. Storm water
D. Dry weather flow
Water Management
Water Management
A. Reclamation
B. Leaching
C. Recultivation
D. de-salting
A. 30,000
B. 35,000
C. 40,000
D. 45,000
A. Levees
B. Embankment
C. Cascades
D. Banks
A. Coefficient of friction
B. Coefficient of internal friction
C. Coefficient of resistance
D. All are correct
A. Hydrology
B. Biology
C. Hydrography
D. Histology
A. Field Capacity
B. Capillarity
C. Infiltration capacity
D. All are correct
A. Soil-moisture deficiency
B. Field-moisture deficiency
C. Equivalent-moisture deficiency
D. a and b are correct
A. Increases
B. Reduces
C. remain stagnant
D. Normal
A. Infiltrometer
B. I.C. curve
C. Rain simulator
D. v Hydrometer