A. Attmann (1889)
B. Crick (1953)
C. Sressler (1968)
D. Avery et al (1944)
Plant Breeding and Genetics
Plant Breeding and Genetics
A. Iubreeding
B. Out breeding
C. Random mating
D. Selective mating
A. Recon
B. Muton
C. Cistron
D. Complan
A. Operator gene
B. Structural gene
C. Regulator gene
D. Promotor gene
A. Low mutation population
B. High mutation ratio and small population
C. Selective mating and small population
D. No migration and large population
A. Varies with the age
B. Coustant for all organismes
C. Constant for particular organism
D. None of the above
A. Chloroplast
B. Mitochondna
C. Golgi bodies
A. Ribosomes
B. Centrosomes
C. Microsomes
D. Lysosmes
A. Icygen
B. Carbon
C. Hybrogen
D. Nitrogen
A. Thymine
B. Argenine
C. Cystine
D. Uracil