A. Cotton crop research institute
B. Center for crop research institute
C. Central cotton research institute
D. non of these
Agronomy Mcqs for Preparation of Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, and other test. Agriculture Mcqs, agronomy mcq with answers , agronomy, agronomic practices.
A. Monopodial branches
B. Sympodial branches
C. Fruiting branches
D. non of these
A. Kharif crop
B. Rabi crop
C. Zaid Kharif crop
A. Bacillus thuringensis
B. Bemisia tabaci
C. Bemisia trachyplerus
A. 2-3 ft
B. 4-6 ft
C. 8-10 ft
D. non of these
A. Determinate type of growth
B. Indeterminate type of growth
C. Semi-determinate
D. Buslry growth habit
A. All Pakistan textile mills association
B. All Pakistan trade monitoring association
C. All Pakistan trade monitoring agency
D. All Pakistan textile mill management authority
A. American boll worm
C. Spotted boll worm
D. Aphids
A. 1970
B. 1968
C. 1971
D. 1978
A. Pakistan
B. Turkey
C. China
D. non of these