A. Perpetuity
B. Capital charge factor
C. Annuity
D. Future worth
Related Mcqs:
- An annuity is a series of equal payments occuring at equal time intervals, and this amount includes the sum of all payments plus interest, if allowed to accumulate at a definite rate of interest from the time of initial payment to the end of annuity term. Ordinary annuity is used in the calculation of the__________________?
A. Manufacturing cost
B. Depreciation by sinking fund method
C. Discrete compound interest
D. Cash ratio - Chemical engineering plant cost index is used for finding the present cost of a particular chemical plant, if the cost of similar plant at some time in the past is known. The present cost of the plant = original cost × (index value at present/ index value at time original cost was obtained). The most major component of this cost index is____________________?
A. Fabricated equipment and machinery
B. Process instruments and control
C. Pumps and compressor
D. Electrical equipments and material - According to six-tenths-factor rule, if the cost of a given unit at one capacity is known, then the cost of similar unit with ” times the capacity of the first unit is approximately equal to _____________ times the cost of the initial unit?
A. n
B. n0.6
C. n0.4
D. √n - Effluent treatment cost in a chemical plant is categorised as the __________________ cost?
A. Fixed
B. Overhead
C. Utilities
D. Capital - Following the six-tenth factor rule, if a log-log plot of capacity of the equipment vs. cost of the equipment is made, then a straight line is obtained, whose slope is equal to_________________?
A. 0.1
B. 0.6
C. 0.2
D. 0.8 - In a chemical process plant, the total product cost comprises of manufacturing cost and the__________________?
A. General expenses
B. Overhead cost
C. R & D cost
D. None of these - Total product cost of a chemical plant does not include the ______________ cost?
A. Market survey
B. Operating labour, supervision and supplies
C. Overhead and utilities
D. Depreciation, property tax and insurance - Cost of instrumentation in a modern chemical plant ranges from _____________________ percent of the total plant cost?
A. 5 to 10
B. 20 to 30
C. 40 to 50
D. 60 to 70 - Equipment installation cost in a chemical process plant ranges from _______________ percent of the purchased equipment cost ?
A. 10 to 20
B. 35 to 45
C. 55 to 65
D. 70 to 80 - Effective and nominal interest rates are equal, when the interest is compounded__________________?
A. Annually
B. Fortnightly
C. Monthly
D. Half-yearly