A. Megatherms
B. Hekistotherms
C. Microtherms
D. Mesotherms
The correct answer to the question: "Plant groups growing in zones where high temperature alternates with low temperature are called:" is "Mesotherms".
A. Megatherms
B. Hekistotherms
C. Microtherms
D. Mesotherms
A. Clements
B. Raunkiaer
C. Odum
D. Warming
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
A. November – December
B. December – January
C. January – February
D. None of these
A. Loss of soil water
B. Soil particles became smaller
C. Soil organisms are exposed
D. All of these
A. Heliophilous
B. Hydrophilous
C. Pyrophilous
D. Pyriform
A. Eremophytes
B. Oxylophytes
C. Psilophytes
D. Psammophytes
A. Halophyte
B. Oxylophyte
C. Psychrophyte
D. Psammophyte
A. Halophytes
B. Heliophytes
C. Halophytes
D. Sciophytes
A. Pelophilous
B. Heliophilous
C. Psammophilous
D. Lithophilous
A. Heliophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Halophytes
D. Hydrophytes
The correct answer to the question: "Plant groups growing in zones where high temperature alternates with low temperature are called:" is "Mesotherms".
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