A. eliminate all tariffs between countries
B. increase all tariffs between countries
C. maintain a nondiscriminatory structure of tariffs
D. maintain a discriminatory structure of tariffs
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- When one country provides most favored nation status (normal trade relations) for another, it agrees to ?
A. charge the nation’s products a lower tariff than any other nation’s
B. charge that nation’s products a tariff rate no higher than that on any other nation
C. charge that nation’s products a higher tariff than any other nation’s
D. exports to that nation any products that it wants to purchase - The U.S has granted China permanent most favored nation treatment (normal trade relations) This means that the tariff schedules which apply to U.S imports from china ?
A. have tariff rates equal to zero suggesting a free trade policy for the United States
B. have lower tariff rates than the rates that apply to any other country sending goods to the United States
C. have tariff rates that are identical to the rates that apply to other countries to which the U.S grants most-favored nation treatment
D. have lower tariff rates than the rates that apply to other countries to which the U.S grants most favored nation treatment - Suppose an industry emits a negative externality such a pollution and the possible methods to internalize the externality are command-and-control policies, pigovian taxes, and tradable pollution permits. If economists were to rank these methods for internalizing a negative externality based on efficiency ease of implementation and the incentive for the industry to further reduce pollution in the future, they would probably rank them in the following order (from most favored to least favored) ?
A. Pigouvian taxes, command-and-control policies, tradable pollution permits.
B. tradable pollution permits, Pigouvian taxes, command-and-control policies
C. tradable pollution permits command-and-control policies, Pigovian taxes.
D. command-and-control policies, tradable pollution permits, Pigovian taxes.
E. They would all rank equally high because the same result can be obtained from any one of the policies - When free trade areas are set up the member countries trade with each other grows faster than their trade with other countries This is due to what economist call ?
A. trade diversion
B. trade channeling
C. trade creation and trade diversion
D. trade creation - Starting from a position where the nation’s money demand equals the money supply and its balance of payments is in equilibrium economic theory suggests that the nation’s balance of payments would move into a surplus position if there occurred in the nation a (an) ?
A. increase in the money demand
B. decrease in the money demand
C. increase in the money demand
D. None of the above - The income effect of a price increase of a normal good is to ________ of that good and the substitution effect is to _________ of that good?
A. increase quantity demanded, reduce quantity demanded
B. increase quantity demanded, increases quantity demanded
C. reduce quantity demanded, reduce quantity demanded
D. reduce quantity demanded, increase quantity demanded - Assuming leisure is a normal good, if the income effect is greater than the substitution effect a wage increase ?
A. will have no effect on labour supply
B. will decreases labour supply
C. could cause either an increases or a decrease in labour supply
D. will increase labour supply. - ________ protection such as the escape clause, provide temporary protection to domestic industries facing competition from fairly traded foreign goods?
A. generalized system of preference
B. countervailing duty
C. domestic content
D. safeguards - Following World War II the United States and other countries sought to liberalize trade among each other the first major postwar step toward trade liberalization was the ?
A. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
B. World Trade Organization
C. Smoot Hawley Organization
D. McKinley Agreement on Trade policy - Which round of international trade negotiations resulted in the creation of the World Trade Organization ?
A. Kennedy Round of 1964-1967
B. Tokyo Round of 1973-1979
C. Uruguay Round of 1986-1993
D. Doha Round of 2003-2007