A. twice as high as men’s
B. half that of men
C. the same as men’s
D. similar in duration to that of men
Month: June 2019
A. gender roles have been reversed
B. in a marriage spousal role are egalitarian
C. housekeeping and childcare are still considered women’s work
D. sex roles are blurred
A. they are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status
B. they are residentially segregated
C. they control few resources
D. all of the above
A. in spite of ours being an egalitarian society
B. by the frequent instances of sexual harassment on the job
C. for the lack of wage parity
D. all of the above
A. stayed home when men hunted
B. ceased to gather the majority of the food supply
C. assumed primary child-care responsibilities
D. left home to gather food
A. men and women participated in a sex-based division of labor
B. human infants and their mothers had to protected
C. males were assigned hunting and other dangerous tasks
D. all of the above
A. are functionally identical
B. differ in left-right communication
C. distribute sensory functions differently
D. differ in size weight and capacity
A. wisdom accompanies advancing age
B. each stage of life has its own rewards
C. the young are superior to the old
D. life begins forty
A. very voluntary
B. never forced
C. often forced
D. rarely enforced
A. anatomical differences
B. hormonal differences
C. chromosomal differences
D. all of the above