A. Participation of management
B. Information processing
C. Commitment to competence
D. Human resource policies and practices
Month: July 2017
A. The design of the internal control system and the implementation of the controls
B. The design of the internal controls and the implementation of the control system
C. The implementation of the controls and the correctness of the accounting records
D. The design of the internal control system and the correctness of the accounting records
A. Internal audit
B. Suppliers’ statements
C. Board minutes
D. Analytical review
A. Appropriateness & competence
B. Sufficiency & appropriateness
C. Reliability & extensiveness
D. Objectivity & independence
A. Memorandum & articles of association
B. Audit planning memorandum
C. Summary of unadjusted errors
D. Details of the work done on the inventory count
A. Systematic selection
B. Pervasive selection
C. Random selection
D. Haphazard selection
A. The risk of the auditor carrying out a test the wrong way round
B. The risk of reliance on unsuitable audit evidence
C. The risk that the sample does not reflect the population
D. The risk of the auditor reaching the wrong conclusions from testing
A. the timing of the audit
B. whether corrections from the inventory count have been implemented
C. last year’s audit
D. the potential use of internal audit
A. The timing of the audit
B. Analytical review
C. Last year’s written representation letter
D. Obtaining written representations
A. Compliance risk
B. Detection risk
C. Control risk
D. Inherent risk