A. Kerensky
B. Nicholas
C. Alexander
D. None of them
U.S.S.R Constitution
U.S.S.R Constitution
A. The treaty of London
B. The treaty of Paris
C. The treaty of Brest-Litovsk
D. None of them
A. France and Germany
B. France and Turkey
C. Britain and Turkey
D. France and Britain
A. Japan
B. France
C. China
D. Britain
A. Nicholas I
B. Alexander I
C. Alexander II
D. Alexander III
A. Greece
B. Austria-Hungary
C. Turkey
D. Serbia
A. Vladimir Lenin
B. Joseph Stalin
C. Trotsky
D. None of them
A. Austria
B. Finland
C. Russian Social Democratic Party
D. None of them
A. Marx
B. Hegel
C. Stalin
D. None of them
A. Separate from the judicial hierarchy
B. Part of the judicial hierarchy
C. Sub-ordinate courts of communist party
D. None of them